Thursday, October 29, 2009

social suicide hallway...

today i went to the byuh library, which used to be the hub for student activity during the week...and i have to say say, that out of the 70 some odd computers that sat in the main area, i recognized ZERO of the people on them. i am old. and out of touch with the current student body. i can't say that it bothered me, and it probably allowed me to become much more productive than i would have been before, when it was easy to be distracted by seeing people that i knew.

but then again, it is a little depressing to pass by the study rooms and not have nate fishler doing something random, or to not have the piranha house boys huddled around a computer watching a surf video on youtube. and sometimes, i have to admit, i miss the awkwardness of social suicide hallway, where you see someone that you know at the other end, and then you wave and say hi too soon, but then it's awkward for the next twenty feet as you're still heading towards each other?

i love it. awkward moments define my life.

1 comment:

  1. i feel the same way every MONDAY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY morning! i am an old, out of touch, annoying teacher who dresses bad. it's odd. and awesome too. :)
