Saturday, October 10, 2009

dear ann/abby or anyone else that will listen...

to whom it may concern:

i am having a major problem with a co-worker of mine. she is always trying to make me look bad and to take all the credit for projects that i have done, but if something goes wrong, she makes sure that i automatically get blamed. when she started off working with the company, she was all buddy buddy with me, trying to be super nice, but i was always hesitant. my instincts were telling me to look out for her, and i was right. she snoops on my computer and bad mouths me to our bosses (who happen to be her parents in law). so now i am stuck working every day in a VERY small office with a person who is clearly trying to make sure that i am eliminated. i am about two seconds away from punching this girl in the face each time that i see her, but i am more concerned that i have to go to work every day in a toxic environment.

i guess the question i am posing to you is: how should i deal with this situation? i can't tell my bosses, because they will just ask her about it, and she will most likely lie. plus, she is family, and even though i have been working for the company for much MUCH longer, they will most likely be loyal to her. plus, i don't want to be a tattle tale and stoop to her level. i need a mature way to deal with this situation...otherwise it's 'pow! straight to the moon', which may be satisfying in the moment, but it will not produce the outcome i would prefer.


eternally frustrated and under-appreciated


  1. Confront it in the moment that it happens, she will coward down because she isn't going to lie in front of you...she probably won't do it again.


    (but realistically, i like emmie's idea)
