Monday, March 30, 2009

just call me the computer whisperer

so my job description isn't exactly set in stone, and to be honest, there are days that i want to just spend cruising the internet.  this, along with years of finding articles to use in research papers, has allowed me to hone my skills for finding things on the internet. thus i have been able to become the 'computer savvy' one in the office, even though i view myself as being far from it.  i guess in comparison to my 30 year old coworker and fifty something boss, i am a little ahead of the pack with my computer wisdom.  usually people will call into our little office to get phone numbers of random treatment facilities, or they'll need help creating documents in excel or word. to be honest, if i don't know how to address the latter, i just google it until i find a suitable solution.  but it always makes me happy when i am able to help people with what, in my eyes, i would consider minor computer problems (such as moving the tool bar back to the bottom, from the side of the screen or formatting a cell to 'text' so that they can enter data beginning with zeroes).   even with my limited knowledge, it surprises me how much more i know than others in comparison.  thanks IS 190L/290L!

it's moments like this that make me realize that there truly is a gap between those of us who grew up using the internet and those who did not.  whenever i run into a problem that i can't solve, or any sort of random knowledge that i can't explain, i just hop on the internet, and find the answer.  it's become second nature. 

in any event, here was today's task:  my boss' dog ate some chocolate over the weekend.  (yes, not good).  but i guess they were these special chocolates that her daughter had found that were in a wrapper that made them look like a swiss army knife.  anyways, her daughter was only able to find a few of them, so when the dog ate two out of the three that she had, she was kind of bummed.  i figured that they were most likely a mass produced product, right?  so i hopped on the internet, and typed in 'chocolate swiss army knife' into the google search engine, and what was the first link that popped up?

we have a winner!
apparently it's the perfect gift for any swiss army knife enthusiast.

just another day in the life of the computer whisperer. maybe i should get a cape?


  1. oh my gosh- i have to buy that for my dad for fathers day! like i HAVE to! you have no idea- he has given me like three swiss army knives in my life and i dont even know what to do with them- but he is just a hiker/camper/cowboy kinda guy and he loves them.

    i am googling this immediately and seeing just how expensive they are- too funny!

  2. a cape is absolutely crucial.
