Tuesday, January 31, 2012

jumping on the bandwagon...

i finally got around to reading:

and just as i expected, it's fabulous!

up next, i'm trying to decide between: the hunger games and the girl with the dragon tattoo trilogies. can anyone offer any advice? cause the last thing i want to get invested in is another series that builds up to a huge let down...*a hem* twilight. but seriously kids, which series is worth reading first?


  1. Yay! Glad you read it and of course enjoyed it because it's awesome just like you.

    I can only recommend HGs because I haven't read the other DT series. I did love HGs though so I would say go for it!

  2. I loved the girl with the dragon tat, and read it in a couple days. The second book however, is a work in progress. I've been reading it over the course of at least 2 months. I don't know if I'm just not as connected with the new characters or the storyline. Lotsa people have told me though, that book 2 is their fave. I'd definitely recommend reading book 1 just to see if it tickles your fancy. Let us know what you decide + reviews.
